HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Status Code Reference Guide
413 Payload Too Large (HTTP Status Code 413)
HTTP 413 error, also known as "Payload Too Large," indicates that the request entity sent by the client exceeds the maximum size limit allowed by the server.
414 URI Too Long (HTTP Status Code 414)
HTTP 414 error, also known as "URI Too Long," indicates that the request URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) sent by the client exceeds the maximum length limit that the server can handle.
415 Unsupported Media Type (HTTP Status Code 415)
HTTP 415 error, also known as "Unsupported Media Type," indicates that the server cannot process the request because the media format of the request does not match the formats supported by the server.
416 Range Not Satisfiable (HTTP Status Code 416)
This server error response code indicates that the byte range specified in the client's request cannot be fulfilled.
417 Expectation Failed (HTTP Status Code 417)
This client error response code indicates that the server cannot fulfill the requirements defined by the `Expect` field in the request header.
418 I’m a teapot (HTTP Status Code 418)
The HTTP status code 418 is a rather amusing and unique code. Originally created as an April Fool's joke, it has found practical use in certain contexts.