Tag: Redirects
All the articles with the tag "Redirects".
300 Multiple Choice (HTTP Status Code 300)
HTTP status code 300 indicates that the server has multiple possible responses for the client's request.
301 Moved Permanently (HTTP Status Code 301)
HTTP status code 301 indicates that the requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL.
302 Found (HTTP Status Code 302)
HTTP status code 302 indicates that the requested resource has been temporarily moved to another URI.
303 See Other (HTTP Status Code 303)
HTTP status code 303 indicates that the requested resource is located at another URI, and the client should use the GET method to retrieve it.
304 Not Modified (HTTP Status Code 304)
HTTP status code 304 is an informational status code indicating that the client made a conditional request, and the server allows the request.
305 Use Proxy (HTTP Status Code 305)
HTTP status code 305 indicates that the requested resource must be accessed through a specified proxy server. When the server returns a 305 status code.